Celebrities Unchained πŸ”΅πŸ€©

A decentralized game based on Celebrity Bucks and powered by Tellor

Tellor - 2nd Prize Winner at Encode Club Hack πŸ†

Live Demo, source code repository and presentation

Celebrities Unchained

Tellor Playground

Tellor is a decentralized oracle network and Tellor Playground aims to help anyone building on Tellor to test and implement ideas such as this game.

Contracts Management

Used Hardhat to compile and deply the Celebrity.sol contract usingtellor. Each one of the 147 TellorIds were submitted using Hardhat at the Ropsten testnet.

Tech Stack

This project was built using Vue, Vuex, Solidity, Hardhat, and AWS Cloudfront.

It was connected to the Ropsten network via abi's and contract addresses.